Friday, December 12, 2008

The Christmas tree event

Today was the day (finally) to get our Christmas tree. Picking our tree this year actually wasn't that difficult. In fact, I think we chose the first tree we looked at! That was amazing!
It needed to be trimmed and this lovely man was so kind and nice and friendly and just a real Christmas tree kind of man!
Shave off the end...
...and wrap it up. I almost missed that part, as you can tell!
At the check-out. Our lovely tree is the one on the left.
I don't know if these stands are available in North America, but they sure are here and I am convinced that they are the best stands in the world.
Just line that baby up, pop the teeth and...

Decorating the tree is always quite the event, made extra memorable by the antics of a certain two girls.
They got me in on it for one picture this year!
My lovely husband, recently home from good trip to Moldova.


Mike said...

The tree stand design looks like one of those elegant solutions you find sometimes, like paper clips, dimples on golf balls, the Porsch 911 shape. I always appreciate the doings of the Duecks and your photo features. Did I see Home Depot in the tree shopping?

Howard and Eileen Dueck said...

actually, it's a store very much like "home depot" but is called "hornbach".