Friday, March 20, 2009

It must be Spring

My good friend, Doris, gave me a hot tip the other day. She had seen crocuses by the score and she said they were absolutely beautiful. After seeing them myself this morning, I have to agree. Now if only the weather could be a hot as the tip!


Jesse and Doris Frank said...

Very nice, Eileen!

Jesse and Doris Frank said...
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Howard and Eileen Dueck said...

it was a cold day so they sure weren't opened up as nicely as when you saw them. still, it's a feast for the eyes!

Diane Smid said...

Hi Eileen
I borrowed one of your crocus pictures for the header on our blog.
Your pictures are great.
Fun to stay in touch via our blogs.
If you want royalty payment for the blog picture let me know.

Rosalie said...

Where are these? Gorgeous

Howard and Eileen Dueck said...

they are in loerrach across the street from the train station. it is absolutely amazing to see so many in one spot. the colours are so vibrant!

M.E. said...

Eileen. These photos caused me to worship our Creator! Thanks.