Thursday, August 13, 2009

no joke

We saw this man and his buffalo on the news several weeks ago so it was pretty cool when we saw him in real life! I'm not sure why he likes to haul his pet buffalo around in his convertible but it seems to definitely draw a lot of attention!


Rachel said...

WOW. Some people are so... ...interesting!

markscape said...

only in Canada...

Rose said...

I was going to say...only in ALberta? IS that where you saw him?

Mike said...

Well, it is a good use for one of the largest old cars. The dog looks like he's keeping his distance. Maybe he's the smart one. You have seatbelt laws there? Loved the other photos and comments.

RobCarey said...

I don't see any seatbelt there- you'd never get away with this in California. Of course, I did see a guy with a seal in his van once.