Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Way behind

It is definitely hard to keep up to the blog while traveling. Hopefully in the next few days I will be able to catch you up on what we've been doing the last two weeks. The most significant family event thus far has been Bethany cutting off her hair. She has wanted to do it for a long time but was waiting for it to be long enough to donate. It was quite the moment!

After Katy's cut Bethany made an appointment the next day and had her hair shaped up nice and short. She loves it and it looks great!


fivegranos said...

Nice hair-do! It makes her look older, I think...hope she likes that!

Rose said...

Thanks for sharing the "play-by-play" of the great event! YOur girl must have so much fun together; they're always smiling!

Rose said...

oops. that should be "girls"