Because Bethany starts her new job on Monday, I made one of her favourite meals for lunch on Sunday - beef stew with dumplings. It tasted especially good.

The girls decided sometime during the day that they wanted to celebrate my birthday. Beth will be at work on Tuesday and will miss my birthday. So, the girls whipped a party together and we had a celebration.

I received some lovely gifts from my family.

Then, for some reason unknown to man, the girls wanted to look at our old photo album - the one we had from before the girls came along. We looked through it and enjoyed many laughs, mostly about the fashions of the time. Then they started discussing the fact that they had never seen their dad without his mustache. Hmmmm. Actually, neither had I and it was because I hadn't wanted to. The discussion went around and around and Howard kept saying it was up to me - to shave or not to shave. Well, as you can guess, I finally gave in due to extreme pressure.
There were some mixed reactions...


...and after.
I'm not sure about this yet and I'm not sure I want to get used to it either. But, the change wasn't as drastic as I thought it would be. I'll give it a few days...
Dear Howard, you look younger now, maybe 5 years. (Also maybe less professorial, too.) Always happy to see pictures of ya'll. The hair would have been gone a long time ago if you had gotten to kind of unkind comments I did when I sported a subnasal hairpiece for a while.
Happy 29th Birthday, Eileen! You know that hair always can grow back, eh? LOL...
I should definitely read this blog more often. It is hilarious! Hope you are all doing well and Bethany adjusts to her new job in...France? Switzerland?
Well! I must say that I didn't recognize you in the hallway, Howard, but then I heard someone say, "Hey, Pete," and I thought, "Wait a tick... I know that guy from somewhere." Eileen -- maybe you should let him keep the look so he'll be more inconspicuous and won't be recognized by people at the office... then he'll have less work and will be home more often. Just a thought...
Howard shaving live on camera. Next you'll be showing him lacing up his shoes before he leaves the house - or more. Das geht zu weit!
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