This is Michele. She is currently fighting a battle with cancer. She is a teacher here at BFA, and also an MK and BFA grad. The first signs of the cancer were found in the sweat glands in her face - which she has said was rather ironic considering she never uses those glands!

The after effects of having cancerous lumps removed from her face.

Michele loves MKs. She understands them and loves them for the unique people that they are.

And they love her too.

After being declared "cancer free", she felt prompted to make one more appointment to be really sure, and much to her dismay, breast cancer was discovered.

But, Michele being Michele, she is facing this head-on with a great attitude (and V8 juice) and lots of prayer support from her friends and family.

I have taken the liberty of borrowing these pictures from her blog you can read her story for yourself.
She has also put together a video which captures the essence of what it's like to be an MK. You can see our girls in several of the pictures. link is on her site but unfortunately I cannot seem to make it work here. You can find it on her most recent post, underneath the pictures of the farm implements.
Please pray for Michele as you think of her. She has a painful journey ahead and I know she would appreciate your prayers.
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