Friday, January 16, 2009

It's a wrap!

Bethany has been "in the studio" for two recording sessions. One was last night and the other this afternoon. And....she's done! Wow. That was sure easy! Now the mixing has to be finished and she will do most of it herself after some training by the main technician at the studio. Then the final details have to be worked out before the CD goes into production.

This is Rafael who is doing an internship at the JT studio this year. He is a very patient person, which I imagine most music technicians have to be. He did a great job and Bethany said she didn't feel nervous working with him at all. We are thankful for him and that he made this project possible for Bethany to do.


Rachel said...

Hey - I think I know that Rafael guy from English camp a few years ago... cool!

Howard and Eileen Dueck said...

yo that's him! he hangs out with H and the guys at the coffee breaks. they all really like him!

Rose said...

Very talented! What a fantastic opportunity; i can't wait to hear it!

Mike said...

When do the sales in the US begin?