Monday, June 9, 2008

Annie get your gun

I was upstairs working on new curtains for the girls' room when I saw this lovely magpie on top of the shed. I knew it would fly away if it saw any movement in the house, so I carefully grabbed my camera and took this picture through two layers of glass. Fortunately I had cleaned my windows a few weeks ago! These birds (plus crows, ravens and black birds) are everywhere in our town. They chase all the nice birds away and make such a horrendous noise. I'm not sure why I even took these pictures except that I could! I do not like these birds and I feel like I'm back on the farm, which makes me want to get out my gun!

1 comment:

Jesse and Doris Frank said...

Boy! you would have had a good shot if you would have had a gun... window or no!! We don't have these birds in our yard anymore...thanks to Jesse!