Monday, June 29, 2009

A busy week

We've been in Canada for almost a week and it's been great but also pretty busy. Our first big event was our niece's grad. Allison spent 3 years at BFA with our girls where they became great friends. It was special to be able to celebrate her grad with her here in Canada.

We had a lovely visit with a former student of mine. She was part of the group of students I taught in the one-room school the year before we left for Brazil. Rose was pretty much the main reason I got through that very challenging year. It was great to be with her and her family again.


Shawna said...

Congrats to Allison!!! She looks gorgeous!!! :o )

Rose said...

Karissa wants to know when Bethany and Katy are coming over again. They really made an impression on her:) and it was very sweet of them both to play with our children. Thank you!