This was Bethany's
first day of school in
Canada. We were on furlough and she went to Living Waters Christian Academy for half a year of grade 1. Notice the lovely uniform!

This was Bethany's
first day of grade one in
Brazil. School starts at the beginning of March there, so when we got back to Brazil after being in Canada half a year, Bethany started grade 1 all over again! She then had a full year of grade 1 in Portuguese (and was the best reader in her class!).
The kids in Brazil only go to school half days. Bethany went in the afternoon, so in the mornings we did home-schooling in English in grade 2 so she wouldn't lose a year. (As it turned out, we left Brazil shortly after Bethany had finished grade 1. At her next school, which was here in Germany, she was able to go right into grade 3 due to the home-schooling! We were thankful.)
Notice again the uniform. (Katy was in preschool in a different school, thus the two different uniforms.) I have to admit, I enjoyed those years of school uniforms!

Here she is in her classroom. I likely really embarrassed her by taking this picture, but now I'm sure she's happy I did (I know I am!). The little girl beside Beth is Magdalena. Her family was also with our mission in Brazil. They came from Germany so when these two little girls met, they had no common language. They went to preschool together so they learned Portuguese at the same time, which then became their common language!

This was Beth this morning, on her way to
last day of school! It was a sad
and exciting day for her.
Congratulations, Beth. Probably most of your formal schooling is over. But remember living life is a schooling process. It's just that first you get the test, then you get the lesson!
BETHANY!!!! I can't believe the year is finally over! All the best as you graduate! I wish I could be there, but I have to work this weekend. . .:o (
Awww... what a wonderful mom you are for having all these precious photos of Bethany at such a poignant time. I still remember you announcing her birth and now she is all grown up. how time goes so quickly!
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