Friday, November 9, 2007

I think we were pranked

We woke up on Wednesday morning to discover that our rather large spruce tree had been thoroughly wrapped with toilet paper. None of us had time to do anything about it before we left the house that morning, so when I arrived home from work at 1:00, I quickly pulled as much of the "decoration" off before I thought to take a picture! I was rather embarrassed about it all and was afraid of what the German neighbours were thinking. After school Beth arrived with two of her buddies to clean up the mess. They found the ladder upstairs in the shed and got to work. It was a cold and damp day but they worked until the mess was cleaned up. I rewarded the boys with Swiss chocolate and the girls made tea.
Special thanks go to Kristoff and Nate for their help. And a word to the perpetrators...we know where you live.

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