Friday, October 3, 2008

Our own German Unification Day

Today was a holiday in Germany. Katy was gone on a school trip and Bethany was busy with her Swiss charges, so Howard and I went on a nice, long drive into the Jura mountains in Switzerland, about an hour and a half from here. It was wonderful to have a day just to ourselves after Howard's intense trip to Brazil.

Our plan was to spend some time in the medieval town of Saint-Ursanne. It was quaint and authentic.

The crypt under the church dated from the 11th century.

We both enjoyed an amazingly wonderful bowl of cream of carrot soup for lunch.
Such a perfect day.


Rachel said...

Wow, looks like a nice little place!

Rosalie said...

Are you sure this isn't pumpkin soup??!

Howard and Eileen Dueck said...

positive. i know for a fact it's carrot. there was not even pumpkin on the menu and this tasted like carrot soup, not pumpkin.