Friday, December 26, 2008

Bad Säckingen

Yesterday we drove to a small city about 30 kilometres from us where the longest covered bridge over the Rhine River can be seen. The first reference to a bridge here was in the 13th century, but the present structure dates from the 1800s.
Because the bridge crosses the Rhine, one can stand in Germany or Switzerland, or both at the same time if you like!


We wandered into the Altstadt (old town).

And into the church.

The town is also famous for its trumpet craftsmanship. I was fascinated by the detailed frames around these windows....
...especially when I realized....
...they were painted.


Mike said...

I wanted to enlarge the enlargements of the church. Good details in your pictures. THanks again.

Dianne Dueck said...

Fascinating indeed! The details are so well captured w/your skilled photography Eileen! ALWAYS enjoy your blog!