Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Language acquisition day

Wednesday is the day that we meet with Uli and Bárbara for language learning. I work on English with Bárbara in the dining room...

...and Howard meets with Uli in the kitchen to work on his German. Uli told Howard today that he doesn't need his help anymore because he's already so good with the language. I told Uli that he's never told me that! We all had a good chuckle about that one!


fivegranos said...

I have that very same blueberry-patterned cream and sugar set from Poland! You have such good taste! ;-)
I read your blog almost daily and so enjoy the glimpses into life at the Duecks, at Kandern and BFA.
Hoping to join you soon.

Howard and Eileen Dueck said...

I LOVE that set - I have the teapot and the warmer to match. It always feels so cozy to serve tea with it! We are looking forward to having you here!