Friday, July 18, 2008

Flowers in France

On July 7 & 9, seven members of my family arrived from Canada: my mom, my two sisters and their husbands and two nephews. We barely had our feet back on Kandern soil when they landed, and then a few days later we were back on the road again - this time to France.
I managed to get a few pictures of flowers along the way, so that's where I'll start with our French adventure...

A trip to France in the spring or summer would not be complete without a picture of poppies.
Claude Monet's garden was absolutely beautiful.

A Commonwealth cemetery in Belgium.
Hydrangeas in Dieppe.A floral flag in Dieppe.


Hi! My name is Janet. said...

I LOVE the poppies! I think they're my favorite!

Sandee Shuman said...

sehr schon(minus the umlaut!)
i'll keep checking for more(we want more! we want more! - pictures that is!)
i hope you are all having a good time and that you aren't too exhausted!

Mike said...

Lovely pictures. I gotta go back to that part of the world some day. You're teasing us, Eileen. Keep on, I love it.